Publishing a book is never easy

May 23, 2023

Publishing a book is never easy.
we have to think about the project..
invest in it 100/100..
be credible..
Never let it down..
be ready to lose everything, because time is money..
Being able to do it without a sponsor, because the most important thing is the project and not the money..
I put all my energy these last 10 years, to build my visual projects, I had to go through not a lot, but a lot of pitfalls, to succeed in realizing these visuals...
I had with me a passionate friend like me from the past of Vietnam, Mr Le Quoc, who in many cases helped me in my discoveries of buildings outside of saigon.
Visuals that are never the culmination of the work..
You have to put texts there, and above all credible, surround yourself with people who are passionate like yourself.
Mel schenck for my yangon book, and modernist architecture accompanied me throughout the project without ever hesitating..
For Saigon, tim doling gave me enough energy to start, without him I think I would not have done this book, or not in the same way..
you also have to find a designer who has the time, love and patience to execute these layouts..
My first was my friend Mads Monsen with whom I collaborated in the magazine the word in saigon in 2013..
he accompanied me in this task until 2017 I believe..
he too had to take it upon himself to do this work, which I had dismantled at each meeting the work carried out because he was never satisfied..
What finally happened happened..
I had to recruit another one, or should I say...
Another one  !

Đoan Thảo Nguyễn Hoàng with whom we made the first saigon book, and the yangon book in collaboration..
But above all, I owe her the forthcoming book on modernist architecture in the English version, which she laid out on her own from start to finish, and did an outstanding job on the cover.
What I want to say tonight...
it is that the keys to success are multiple, and are not the fruit of a single person even if the project is at the base and initiated by my little person..
I finally have to thank a last minute sponsor, who helped me to publish the first edition of saigon portrait of a city, at a time when money was difficult to earn..
2020 in the midst of the covid crisis..
And I mustn't forget to thank Eric Merlin without whom I would never have had the unique chance to realize one of the most beautiful projects ever.
The realization of Yangon portrait of a city, he opened the doors of the city to me with his partner SuSu, I was able to access in 4 years all the buildings of the city which are of a unique beauty..
During these shootings I had with me San Min a henchman who helped me so much on the spot, I will never forget this man.
here is basically I wanted to leave these serious writings on the net to say thank you to all those who helped me in my artistic process.
I certainly forgot some, alas the list would be too long..
but I want to tell you all.


Portrait of a City

The book that immortalizes Saigon forever.